Work experience and placements
Work Experience refers to unpaid short-term opportunities. They are normally 1-2 weeks but can sometimes run for up to a month.
Work experience bridges the gap between education and the world of work. It can give insight to new aspirations, help inform career decisions and provides valuable experience to help enhance your CV. You will always be under direct supervision, with the experience in place to complement your learning. It introduces you to and instils the attitudes and behaviours expected at work, with 74% of employers suggesting that experience is crucial when they recruit new employees. (UK commission for employment and skills)
Work placements are an opportunity to spend supervised time in a defined work area. You can gain an understanding and get practical experience of the duties and tasks different workplace roles involve. It is often offered as part of a course or via a training provider/Job Centre Plus, but you can enquire about job experience at any point of you studies or search for work.
Roles in the care and health sector are available for students to experience and observe. However, some areas may not be appropriate as patient care and confidentially are paramount.
Students under the age of 16 are more limited in what they can do. In some organisations, under 16’s are not allowed to be part of the clinical environment.
Opportunities in Devon:
Work experience
Work placements
Please contact other organisations directly for more work experience opportunities.