The care workforce pathway is a new career structure for the adult social care workforce. Take a look to see the behaviours, knowledge and skills. This role covers category A and B.
New to care: role category A
Care or support worker: role category B
There is opportunity to progress into the supervisor or leader: role category C and Practice leader: role category D
You will complete an induction and opportunity to complete the new Level 2 Care Certificate. Opportunity for continuing professional development qualification such as dementia, end of life, autism care, learning disabilities, mental health and more.
You can explore apprenticeships to develop your knowledge and understanding from Level 2 Adult care worker, Level 3 Lead adult care worker, Level 4 Lead practitioner in adult care, these apprenticeships can take from 18 months to complete. Or further apprenticeship or degrees such as the Nursing Associate or Occupational Therapist which can take up to two/three years to complete.